Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

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2017, August  Archives

August 29, 2017      On August 25, I got a meeting with Vartan Gharpetian, mayor of Glendale in California. In the city close to Los Angeles, a statue of a comfort woman for the wartime Imperial J...


August 28, 2017      On August 5, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted new sanctions on North Korea for its firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The new sanctions incl...


August 21, 2017      South Korean President Moon Jae In told a press conference on August 17 that Korean workers requisitioned for Mitsubishi and other Japanese companies before the end of World W...


August 14, 2017      The Ministry of Defense has just published a defense white paper for 2017. Having read the annual report, titled Defense of Japan 2017, I sensed a deviation between Part I “Se...


August 7, 2017      Prime Minister Shinzo Abe launched his third reshuffled cabinet amid very adverse conditions. What I worry about is apparent hesitation in expressing his determination to amend...


August 2, 2017      I have reiterated that South Korean President Moon Jae In and his supporters have the “anti-South Korean masochistic view of history” meaning that pro-Japan Koreans who had coo...


August 2, 2017      In Seoul, I watched a newly-released South Korean film titled “The Battleship Island.” I would like to make two reports about the film. This report, Part 1, indicates that the ...


July 31, 2017      Responsible politicians should tackle a national security crisis Japan faces instead of playing with empty theories about the Self-Defense Forces’ “cover-up tendency.” In a mann...


2017년 6월 26일  6월 15일,한국의 영화감독 류승완씨가 서울에서기자회견을 열어,영화 “군함도(軍艦島)” 완성을 보고했다. 7월 하순에 개봉되는 이 작품은, ‘군함도에 강제징용된 조선인들이 목숨을 걸고 탈출을 시도하는 과정’을 그렸다고 한다.  류씨는 ‘강제징용의 고통’을 ‘현재 한국영화에서 할 수 있는 최대치에 도전’하여 ‘영화적인 상상력...
