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2019.07.16 (Tue) Print

The Sixth Kokkiken Japan Study Award


JINF (Japan Institute for National Fundamentals) has decided the Sixth Kokkiken Japan Study Awardees as follows;

【The Japan Study Encouragement Award】


Tosh Minohara, Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Kobe University

The Anti-Japanese Movement in the United States and US-Japan Relations: Why the “Japanese-Exclusion Act” was Enacted, Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2016. (Japanese version only)


Pema Gyalpo, Professor, Takushoku University

A Warning to the Japanese from a Tibetan Whose Country was Invaded by China with 1200000 of Its People Victimized: Be on Alert for the Terror of China’s Inherently Aggressive Expansionism, Heart Syuppan, 2018. (Japanese version only)

【The Japan Study Special Award】


Ikuhiko Hata, Modern Historian

Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zone, Hamilton Books, 2018.

◆ Click here for details.
◆ Click here for【Speaking Out】Special Award Given to English Translation of Book on Comfort Women