JINF (Japan Institute for National Fundamentals) has decided the Sixth Kokkiken Japan Study Awardees as follows;
【The Japan Study Encouragement Award】
Tosh Minohara, Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Kobe University The Anti-Japanese Movement in the United States and US-Japan Relations: Why the “Japanese-Exclusion Act” was Enacted, Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2016. (Japanese version only) |
Pema Gyalpo, Professor, Takushoku University A Warning to the Japanese from a Tibetan Whose Country was Invaded by China with 1200000 of Its People Victimized: Be on Alert for the Terror of China’s Inherently Aggressive Expansionism, Heart Syuppan, 2018. (Japanese version only) |
【The Japan Study Special Award】
Ikuhiko Hata, Modern Historian Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zone, Hamilton Books, 2018. |
◆ Click here for details.
◆ Click here for【Speaking Out】Special Award Given to English Translation of Book on Comfort Women