Purport of the inauguration of the Kokkiken Japan Study Award
We estab-lished the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals with our sincere wish to rebuild the solid foundation of Japan and let this nation embody its true self. What we envisage is a Japan that, while retaining the values unique to it, serves as a decent member of the international community by maintaining a broader perspective on world events. First and foremost, it was our earnest desire to contribute as much as we could to the rebirth of Japan by dealing squarely with national issues including the Constitution, national security and education. Indeed, this was the prime motivation for inaugurating our institute.
To make this aspiration a reality, it is imperative to help the international community deepen its understanding of Japan and generate mutual respect between this nation and the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this goal remains far off. Japan remains misunderstood on many accounts. This is particularly true in respect to issues of history, over which Japan is often confronted by a tall wall of misunderstanding even today. Even Western countries that share the same values as Japan are no exception in this regard.
What should be specifically done to dispel such misperceptions? The best answer is to help people abroad increase their knowledge of Japan. To do this, we were considering how to foster talented people as Japan study specialists or Japanologists. Just at that time, Ms. Mari Terada made a very kind offer to JINF. It is my great honor to have been involved in establishing the Japan Study Award, which reflects the great aspiration she shares with all of us.
We sincerely hope this new award inspires researchers in the 21st-century international community to undertake thorough academic research about Japan—everything from its features, history, culture and civilization to politics, the wartime past and values unique to it. We would be delighted if the Japan Study Award helps promote free and sincere studies on Japan.
I am confident that the candid findings—positive or negative—of these researchers on various aspects of Japan—including its successes and failures—can help break down the wall of prejudice toward Japan. Research backed by academic honesty and integrity will always provide a precious source for learning.
It is my sincere hope that the Kokkiken Japan Study Award will increase the number of genuine friends of Japan around the world. At the same time, I believe Japan’s culture, civilization and its values that shape Japanese people’s thinking can contribute to the betterment of the 21st-century international community.
By Yoshiko Sakurai
President of the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals
The Japan Institute for National Fundaments (JINF) is pleased and honored to announce that the Terada Mari Japan Study Award has been renamed to the Kokkiken (abbreviation for JINF) Japan Study Award in response to a kind request from Ms. Mari Terada, We at the Institute will continue to give further significance to the Japan Study Award as a token of our wholehearted gratitude to Ms. Terada and other philanthropists for their kind offers. On this occasion of the name change, the guidelines of the Japan Study Award have been partially revised to include as recipients of the award those first-generation foreigners who have acquired Japanese citizenship.
Outline of Kokkiken Japan Study Award
- 1.
- The Japan Institute for National Fundamentals encourages and honors outstanding works in the field of Japanese studies at home and abroad that contribute to the furthering of understanding of Japan in the areas of politics, national security, diplomacy, history, education and culture, among others.
- 2.
- Every year, the Institute bestows the Japan Study Award on an individual, in principle, and a prize of US$10,000. The annual Japan Study Award program also includes a Japan Study Encouragement Award, which carries a prize of US$5,000. A Japan Study Special Award may be added.
- 3.
- To be eligible for these awards, a research work must be published in book form or in a national or international journal in either Japanese or English in recent years by a researcher who is a foreign national including a first generation naturalized person. However, this provision does not apply in the case of a Japan Study Special Award.
- 4.
- Members of the Japan Study Award Recommendation Committee and relevant experts are asked to recommend a wide range of candidate works by the end of each year. Based on these recommendations, the Japan Study Award Jury selects winners of the Japan Study Award program by the spring of the following year.
- 5.
- An award ceremony and a reception for the winners are held in July each year.
The Sixth [Kokkiken Japan Study Award]
The works of Recipients of Kokkiken Japan Study Award
Remarks on the selection of award recipients
Tosh Minohara:“Giseisya 120 mannin Sokoku wo Chugoku ni Ubawareta Chibetto Jin ga Kataru Shinryaku ni kiduiteinai Nihonjin ”- English translation: “A Warning to the Japanese from a Tibetan Whose Country Was Invaded by China with 1,200,000 of Its People Victimized: Be on Alert for the Terror of China’s Inherently Aggressive Expansionism”
In 1906, a year after the end of the Russo-Japanese War, the San Francisco Board of Education attempted to oust Japanese students from the city’s public schools and force them to attend segregated schools. The board’s move triggered an exclusion movement in California against Japanese immigrants. The state’s anti-Japanese sentiment culminated in the adoption of the California Alien Land Law of 1913, prohibiting Asian immigrants from owning agricultural land. Though the law was implicitly directed at the Japanese, it did little to halt Japanese immigration to the state. As a result, the California Alien Land Law of 1920 was adopted to fill the earlier law’s loopholes. Four years later, the U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924, which finally stopped Japanese immigration. As the federal law included a special anti-Japanese provision, it remains better known as the anti-Japanese immigration law.
This series of Japanophobic developments in America is said to have been the underlying cause of the 1941-1945 war between Japan and the United States. Emperor Showa is known to have expressed such a view.
As the title of this book indicates, Prof. Minohara analyzes Japan-U.S. relations in great detail by combing through an enormous volume of primary documents regarding the anti-Japanese movement and relations between Japan and the United States.
As mentioned in the introduction, the author, who is a yonsei (fourth-generation Japanese American), has written the book not to trace the history of Japanese immigration or focus on certain Japanese Americans of the past as in the case of several past boos. His book deals with international relations, looking into how the anti-Japanese movement had affected Japan-U.S. relations.
In his book, Prof. Minohara asserts that the issue of Japanese immigration did not directly cause Japan and the United States to eventually go to war against each other. He argues that Japanese immigration was as serious an issue from the perspective of Japan-U.S. relations as the issue of Japanese activities in China. Then, he interprets the passage of the anti-Japanese immigration law not as the direct cause of the Japan-U.S. war but as one of the key factors in the “multifaceted and multi-tiered” process leading to the war.
It has been commonly accepted that the phrase “grave consequence” Japanese Ambassador to Washington Masanao Uehara used in his letter to U.S. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes was interpreted in the U.S, Congress as a “veiled threat” and that the U.S. lawmakers got so enraged that they quickly moved to pass the anti-Japanese immigration law. For his part, Prof. Minohara disproves the commonly accepted theory by providing the results of his exhaustive fact-finding research.
His book shows that international relationships are influenced by emotional impulses, depending on circumstances and that constructive international relationships can hardly be built as long as emotional reactions continue to result in further emotional reactions.
I believe that Prof. Minohara genuinely deserves the Kokkiken Japan Study Encouragement Award for his book.
By Katsuhiko Takaike
Vice President of the Japan Institution for National Fundamentals,
Member of the Kokkiken Japan Study Award Jury and Lawyer
Pema Gyalpo:“Giseisya 120 mannin Sokoku wo Chugoku ni Ubawareta Chibetto Jin ga Kataru Shinryaku ni kiduiteinai Nihonjin ”- English translation: “A Warning to the Japanese from a Tibetan Whose Country Was Invaded by China with 1,200,000 of Its People Victimized: Be on Alert for the Terror of China’s Inherently Aggressive Expansionism”
A Tibetan boy who knew the tragic fate of his fatherland quite well came to Japan, studying at public junior and senior high schools and graduating from a Japanese university and finally becoming a naturalized Japanese citizen. His name is Pema Gyalpo, who has now lived in Japan for 53 years. In his award-winning book, he allocated a quite lot of pages to give Japan an advice, based on his extraordinary experiences, on how to deal with China.
I think the title of the book and remarks on an accompanying obi strip depict the crux of the author’s criticism of China. The title reads A Warning to the Japanese from a Tibetan Whose Country Was Invaded by China with 1,200,000 of Its People Victimized: Be on Alert for the Terror of China's Inherently Aggressive Expansionism and the attached remarks read “Wouldn’t you Japanese mind if your country became a subject state of China? China began its devious maneuver to invade Japan when both countries normalized diplomatic relations!” To some Japanese people, it may sound exaggerated, but I am sure that even they will fully understand why Prof. Pema is so wrathful of China once they know that the Tibetans were unreasonably deprived of their mother country and that China’s dreadful oppression of the Tibetans continues even today.
At the same time, this book stimulates us Japanese to review the way our country has paved since the end of the past war. With respect to the Great East Asia War, China continues to put all the blame on Japan, but the author takes a position completely opposite to that of China. He feels chagrined at the attitude of those Japanese people who admire the Constitution as a “pacifist constitution” even though it has no Japanese identity. This intellectual who was born in Tibet and educated in India seems to fully know how ignorant Japan is of the reality.
By Tadae Takubo
Vice President of the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals,
Vice Chairman of the Japan Study Award Jury and
Professor Emeritus at Kyorin University
Ikuhiko Hata:“Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zone”
Dr.Ikuhiko HATA, professor emeritus of Nihon University, is recognized as one of the leading authorities on Japan’s modern history, including the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War Ⅱ.
For more than twenty-five years Hata has tackled difficult and highly controversial ‘comfort women’ issue. For his original Japanese book Ianfu to Senjo no Sei, and for his related historical researches Hata has been given Kikuchi Kan Prize, the Mainichi Publishing Cultural Award and the Sankei Shimbun Seiron Award.
The reason the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals gives its 6th Kokkiken Japan Study Special Award to Dr. Hata on the occasion of the appearance of its English translation under the title of Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zone by Hamilton Books, USA, 2018, is as follows: We most welcome this timely publication, a project realized thanks to the goodwill, donation and dedication of some private individuals. The English translation is due to meticulous efforts of Prof. Jason Morgan together with some volunteers’ assistance. Now that this solid academic work, duly annotated, is available for the first time to all people who are interested in this issue world-wide, many an intentional Japan-bashing will be found misplaced. Hata tells us: it is essential to listen to the accounts of those who were involved ― former comfort women, brothel operators, military police and doctors who supervised comfort stations, and soldiers who used the facilities ― in addition to consulting existing documents and materials. Readers will know what were realities and what were myths of ‘comfort women.’ I am also curious to know what will be reactions of North American scholars who refused correction of factual errors in McGraw-Hill Textbook. We ask not only historians but also general readers to peruse carefully what Hata has found and written so lucidly, by examining extensively official and private sources in Japan, Korea, and other places under Japanese control during WWⅡ.
Dr.Hata is well-known not only in Japan but also abroad: He contbuted a chapter on “Continental Expansion” in Vol. 6 of the Cambridge History of Japan. He is also the author of Hirohito, the Shōwa Emperor in War and Peace (Global Oriental, 2007).
By Sukehiro Hirakawa
Professor emeritus, Tokyo University, author,
Japan’s Love-Hate Relationship with the West, Brill
Award Jury
Chair | Yoshiko Sakurai President, Japan Institute for National Fundamentals (JINF) |
Vice Chair | Tadae TakuboJINF Vice President and Professor Emeritus, Kyorin University |
Takashi ItoProfessor Emeritus, University of Tokyo | |
Sukehiro HirakawaProfessor Emeritus, University of Tokyo | |
Toshio WatanabeExecutive advisor for academic affairs, Takushoku University | |
Katsuhiko TakaikeJINF Vice President and lawyer |
Award Recommendation Committee
Award Recommendation Committee |
George Akita Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii |
James E. AuerProfessor Emeritus, Vanderbilt University | |
Brahma ChellaneyProfessor of Strategic Studies, Center for Policy Research, India | |
Kevin DoakProfessor at Georgetown University | |
Vassili MolodiakovRussian professor at the Institute of Japanese Identity, Takushoku University | |
Brandon PalmerAssociate professor of history at Carolina Coastal University | |
Koh Se-kaiProfessor Emeritus, Tsuda College | |
Arthur WaldronProfessor, University of Pennsylvania | |
Edward MarxAssociate Professor, Ehime University | |
David HanlonProfessor, University of Hawaii at Mānoa | |
Yang Haiying, aka Akira OhnoProfessor at Shizuoka University | |
Chen Rou-jinColumnist, former political reporter of United Daily News | |
Robert D. EldridgeFormer Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff (G-5), Marine Corps installations Pacific/Marine Forces Japan | |
June Teufel DreyerProfessor of Political Science at the University of Miami | |
Henry Scott StokesFormer Tokyo Bureau Chief, New York Times | |
Robert MortonProfessor, Chuo University | |
Choe Kilsung Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima University Professor, University of East Asia |