Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

Speaking out

June 28, 2021   On June 23, Japan’s Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Code’s Article 750 stipulating "a husband and wife shall adopt the surname of the husband or wife in accordance with that which...


June 21, 2021   Radioactive substances have recently leaked from the Unit 1 reactor of the Taishan nuclear power station in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The reactor is a 1.65 million-...


June 21, 2021   The International Energy Agency in a report released in May warned that the promotion of renewable energy to counter global warming would massively boost demand for mineral resources...


June 21, 2021   An outside investigation report on Toshiba Corp. recently came out, concluding that the company unfairly managed its general shareholders’ meeting last year. As requested by Toshiba,...


June 21, 2021   Japanese lawmakers gave up on adopting a resolution condemning China for human rights abuse at this year’s ordinary session of the parliament called National Diet that ended last wee...


June 14, 2021   On June 7, the Seoul Central District Court made a just ruling on wartime Korean workers in Japan. It turned down a lawsuit in which 85 plaintiffs including former such workers sough...


June 14, 2021   Amid what U.S. President Joe Biden terms a confrontation between democracies and autocracies, the democratic camp has finally begun to take shape under the U.S. leadership after rema...


June 7, 2021   One month and a half ahead of the Tokyo Olympics, whether human lives or Olympics are more important has become a red-hot issue at the National Diet parliament and in the media world....


June 7, 2021   I would like to welcome Britain’s decision to advance into the Indo-Pacific region ahead of other European countries. On June 2, the 11 members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreem...


May 31, 2021   Calls are growing for cancelling the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics for four major reasons: (1) novel coronavirus infections may expand with the visit of many foreign athletes and oth...
