Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

Speaking out

Yoshiko Sakurai

【#942】Kishida on Mission to Take over Wish of Abe

Yoshiko Sakurai / 2022.07.14 (Thu)

July 11, 2022

Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated. Voters’ insecurity over the loss of the strongest leader in Japan, their hatred and anger against the terror attack and their sense of crisis that Japan should not allow terrorism brought about the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s historic sweeping victory in a House of Councilors election just after the assassination.

Video indicates a complacent Japan

Video footage of Abe’s assassination scene indicates a complacent Japan. In 2.5 to 3 seconds after the first shot missed Abe, the second shot killed him almost immediately. Between the first and second shots, security professionals on the spot were standing without making any reaction. They hurriedly moved only after Abe collapsed on the second shot, as shown on the video footage.

The scene overlaps the preamble and Article 9 of the Japanese constitution, which represent a pacifist country where people think Japan would be free from foreign attacks as far as it is committed to peace and refrains from doing wrong. Accordingly, Japan should have only minimum armament, be cautious of using force and remain quiet without provoking other countries. The Abe assassination demonstrates the inability and powerlessness of Japan complacent with the spirit of Article 9 that denies the Self-Defense Forces as military forces and minimizes their capabilities within the framework of the Police Act.

We have lost Abe as a rare leader, but he has left his strong will through his tragic death, exerting pressure on us to solve challenges. He has told us that Japan should not be as it is now, but become a self-supporting country that can defend itself on its own to survive the fast-changing world. Many Japanese people felt the sense of crisis Abe showed for his life. This brought about the historic election victory for the LDP.

Don’t allow Japan to come back to a pacifist country

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida should not misunderstand that he won the election victory on his own. Abe won six consecutive national elections. asking the people how Japan should be. He emphasized the significance of education based on Japan’s national characteristic. He called for developing Japan as a gentle but courageous country.

Abe reiterated that constitutional amendments should come first to this end. He suited deed to word by developing legal infrastructure necessary for constitutional amendments, including the enactment of the National Referendum Act during the first Abe administration. He also prepared a draft of constitutional amendments. Abe strengthened all aspects of Japan, emphasizing that Japan should become militarily and economically strong to defend itself and contribute to peace and security of the world.

Prime Minister Kishida’s biggest mission is to take over the wish of Abe. To reward Abe, Kishida should thank the soul of Abe at a solemn state funeral and should not allow Japan to come back to a mere pacifist country.

Yoshiko Sakurai is President, Japan Institute for National Fundamentals.