March 30, 2020 More than 10,000 people died in North Korea by late March of the new coronavirus, according to insider information that reached me last week. Deaths have concentrated in the North K...
March 30, 2020 The Japan Times, an English daily in Japan, in a half-page announcement on March 20 said it would revise its description of prewar and wartime “comfort women” again after a revision...
【#665】U.S. and China Deepening Confrontation While Cooperating on Pandemic
March 30, 2020 On March 27, U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping in a telephone call agreed to work together to defeat the new coronavirus pandemic. Even in the presence of...
【#664】Antivirus Economic Measures Should Be Clear on Targets and Objectives
March 23, 2020 The economic impacts of the new coronavirus pandemic are growing serious. As the infection is spreading from China to Europe and the United States, the movement of people has stoppe...
【#663】Local Governors’ Competence Will Be Tested by Coronavirus
March 16, 2020 Japan has revised the Act on Special Measures against New Influenza to prevent the novel coronavirus pandemic from expanding further. Parliamentary deliberations on the revision ...
【#662(Special)】Significant Victory in Case for Fabricated Reports on Comfort Woman
March 10, 2020 On March 3, a high court gave me a perfect victory in a libel case in which former Asahi Shimbun newspaper reporter Takashi Uemura sued me for criticizing his reports on a former Ko...
【#661】Japan Should Create Suprapartisan Advisory Panel on China Policy
March 9, 2020 Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Japan visit as state guest has been postponed. The decision is natural as it is uncertain when the new coronavirus epidemic that originated from China’...
【#660(Special)】Key KWP Official Fired
March 2, 2020 An incident as big as the execution of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek in December 2013 occurred in the center of power in Pyongyang in February. The powerful...
【#659】Enhance Transparency of School Textbook Screening
March 2, 2020 On December 25 last year, the education ministry disapproved Jiyusha Publishing’s junior high school history textbook prepared by the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform tha...
【#658】Disease of Autocracy Covering up Inconvenient Truth
February 25, 2020 It may be natural for an authoritarian regime to cover up an inconvenient truth. For the reason of a column headline, China has expelled three correspondents of The Wall Street J...