Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

Speaking out

2017년 6월 26일  6월 15일,한국의 영화감독 류승완씨가 서울에서기자회견을 열어,영화 “군함도(軍艦島)” 완성을 보고했다. 7월 하순에 개봉되는 이 작품은, ‘군함도에 강제징용된 조선인들이 목숨을 걸고 탈출을 시도하는 과정’을 그렸다고 한다.  류씨는 ‘강제징용의 고통’을 ‘현재 한국영화에서 할 수 있는 최대치에 도전’하여 ‘영화적인 상상력...

Jul 27, 2017 (Thu)

【#455】Stop TV Fascism

July 24, 2017      Television stations are getting out of control.      For six months, media have continued to report on “scandals” involving school entities Moritomo Gakuen and the Kake Educati...


July 18, 2017      Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump made similar responses to the July 13 death of Chinese democratic activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xi...


July 10, 2017      The U.S. and Chinese presidents met in Hamburg, Germany, on July 8. While U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized the need to respond to North Korea’s growing threat of nuclear a...


July 10, 2017      July 12 marks the first anniversary of an arbitral ruling on China’s construction of artificial islands and other activities in the South China Sea. The ruling on the petition f...


July 3, 2017      On June 20, the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee in its markup for FY 2018 national defense authorization act identified Russia’s deployme...


July 3, 2017      South Korean President Moon Jae In visited Washington for two days of talks with U.S. President Donald Trump. In mid-June, a U.S. military source told me:      “President Trump ...


June 28, 2017      On July 5, the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals will hold a ceremony to honor University of Miami Professor June Dreyer with the Japan Study Award and former New York T...


June 27, 2017      The Asahi Shimbun newspaper carried a major story headlined “UNESCO to Exclude Some ‘Political Nominations’ for Inscription on ‘Memory of World’ Register” on June 24, reporting ...


June 26, 2017      China that sticks to big-power egoism rejects issuing a communique or boycotts a press conference when bilateral talks fail to make progress in its favor, as indicated by the re...
