Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

Speaking out

Speaking Out #174        Challenges for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe include historical perceptions, national security and economic stagnation that are all not easy to deal with. Particularly, he wi...


December 25, 2012 The international situation in the past year features three points: the number of major players in the world has declined to two – the United States and China; Russia is shifting ...


December 20, 2012 Park Geun-hye won in the December 19 South Korean presidential election, obtaining 1.08 million more votes than her rival candidate. She garnered 51.55% of total votes against 48....


December 17, 2012 Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan was defeated by his Liberal Democratic Party rival in the December 16 House of Representatives election after his campaigns where he stood on a bee...


December 10, 2012 North Korea’s Kim Jong-un regime appears to go astray. While the dictatorship system has been maintained, the dictator’s very inferior governance has caused various government tro...


As political parties have been releasing their campaign promises toward the December 16 general election, the Liberal Democratic Party’s monetary easing policy has attracted attention since LDP Presid...


November 26, 2012 Four members of the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals Planning Committee, including JINF Vice President Katsuhiko Takaike, visited Myanmar from November 11 through 18, exc...


November 19, 2012 On November 13, the hall of the House of Councilors Members Office Building was dominated with an air of excitement. Present were 134 Diet members and 98 proxies who gathered to l...


November 12, 2012 International attention now focuses on Beijing. Premier Wen Jiabao, who has come to a spotlight since the October 25 New York Times story on his family’s colossal fortune, describ...


November 5, 2012 The Noda administration has effectively withdrawn its plan to unilaterally bring Japan’s territorial dispute with South Korea over the Takeshima Islands to the International Court ...
