Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

Speaking out

 March 11, 2013                                         Just two years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Then, the international community rated Japanese high as courteou...


March 4, 2013        Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seems to have decided Japan's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiations. Since before last D...


February 25, 2013       I highly appreciate Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as having made careful preparations and prompt decisions to win U.S. President Barack Obama's satisfactory ...


February 18, 2013       U.S. President Barack Obama's remarks on North Korea's third nuclear bomb test on February 12 have suggested no strong will to resolutely block North Korea from becoming nucle...


February 13, 2013       On February 12, North Korea forced a nuclear explosion test. The action clearly violates United Nations Security Council resolutions and represents an intolerable provocation ...


 February 12, 2013         China's aggressiveness near Japan's Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea is escalating. Chinese government ships have repeatedly intruded into Japan's territorial waters s...


Speaking Out #178 February 4, 2013       "Japan-China relations amount to Japan-U.S. relations," said Shigeharu Matsumoto, who made a global scoop on the 1936 X...


Speaking Out #177       The Algerian hostage incident, which broke out on January 16, essentially indicated terrorist groups, including the al-Qaeda network that attacked the United States in 2001,...


Speaking Out #176       The year 2013 is the year of the snake under the 12-year Chinese lunar calendar where each year is named after the 12 Chinese zodiac animals in turn. According to the late n...


Speaking Out #175 The Japanese government has remained vague about Japan's participation in negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement for the reason that the ruling Liberal...
