Japan Institute for National Fundamentals

Speaking out

October 30, 2012 Wrongful arrests involving viruses for remote control of computers have attracted attention in Japan. Someone took remote control of others’ personal computers to commit the crime ...


October 22, 2012 The most important news for citizens may be those about themselves and their respective countries. News may be less important for citizens if news event locations are more distant ...


October 15, 2012 Newspaper headlines spotlight “battle over the dissolution” of the House of Representatives for a general election, rather than over policies. Politics plays a role in providin...


October 9, 2012 While China’s first aircraft carrier Liaoning has gone into service, Chinese naval ships have reportedly passed through waters between Japan’s Okinawa and Miyako Islands and conduct...


October 1, 2012 As former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won the presidency of the Liberal Democratic Party in a runoff with Shigeru Ishiba who had been a top runner in the first round of voting where d...


September 24, 2012 Japan must use every means including military force to block China’s moves to deprive Japan of the Senkaku Islands. Arrangements to do so may work to enhance the Japan-U.S. allia...


September 18, 2012 South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s sudden visit to the Japan-claimed Takeshima Islands and his impolite remark on the Japanese Emperor have triggered deterioration of Japan-S...


September 10, 2012 Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda plans to leave the Senkaku Islands untouched while deciding to nationalize the islets. He is likely to limit his actions to nationalizing the island...


September 3, 2012 On August 29, Japan and North Korea held intergovernmental talks in Beijing for the first time in four years. At the preliminary working-level talks that were extended for one day...


August 27, 2012 The Armitage-Nye report, which was made by the bipartisan U.S. experts on Japan and released on August 15, concludes that unless Japan and the United States remain strong economical...
